Men missing more than a haircut

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Rigid proponents of content strategy may

A client that's unhappy for a reason problem, her can't quite finger on is worse

The toppings you may chose for that TV dinner pizza slice when you forgot to shop for foods, the paint you may slap on your face to impress the new boss is your business. But what about your daily bread? Design comps, layouts, wireframes—will your clients accept that you go about things the facile way? Authorities in our business will tell in no uncertain terms that Lorem Ipsum is that huge, huge no no to forswear forever. Not so fast, I’d say, there are some redeeming factors in favor of greeking text, as its use is merely the symptom of a worse problem to take into consideration. You begin with a text, you sculpt information, you chisel away what’s not needed, you come to the point.


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